Cultural Levels and Business
February 12, 2025
Global Capital, Local Resistance The previous articles in this module discussed how international businesses expand into overseas markets both for selling their products as well as to extract the resources in mineral rich countries. We discussed how the international expansion of these businesses has to equitable and follow the rules of justice. What happens when […]
The rapid advancements in technology have changed the fundamentals of many industries. The increase in connectivity, as well as digitalization, is also affecting the automobile industry. Just like other industries, car customers also want to be spoiled for choice. This is the reason that the industry is being forced to rethink its traditional business models. […]
Liquidity management can be a big problem for several companies. This is particularly true if the company has a large number of subsidiaries that are scattered in different places around the world. Companies that grow via the mergers and acquisitions route tend to face this problem more than other companies. This is because they often […]
Traditionally with Organizations the customers belonged to and were the responsibility of the Marketing Department alone. Organizations probably had too many constraints on meeting the demands and were saddled with limited product range that did not require them to look out and reach out to the Customer. However with evolution of technology, mass production processes […]
The aim of strategic CRM is to concentrate and enhance the knowledge about customers and use this knowledge to improve and customize the interactions with customers to maintain a long-term relationship with them. Determining and development of CRM strategies involves following steps: Amplify Commitment- Strategic CRM involves almost all the departments of an organization e.g. […]
We have discussed how corporate governance and the practice of ethical and normative business practices are essential for companies to stay the course and reap longer term benefits.
In this article, we look at how institutional investors or the investors who are not individuals but large fund managers and investment houses play a major role in promoting good corporate governance.
At the heart of the issue about institutional investors and corporate governance is the fact that there is something called an agency problem that creeps up with professionally managed organizations.
What this agency problem indicates is that managers have conflicting responsibilities to themselves and the organization and in most cases; they seek to promote their interests at the expense of the organization’s interest.
The point here is that managers by nature seek to maximize their benefits in relation to the profits and hence there is a need for counterbalancing this with other forces.
These forces or the countervailing balance is brought about by the institutional investors who have an interest in promoting the longer term health of the company.
The point here is that institutional investors often represent large chunks of shareholders and hence they can be an effective check to the tendency of the managerial class to put their own interests first.
In most annual general meetings, we can see small investors raise questions related to corporate governance. In some cases, these concerns are addressed whereas in most cases, the small shareholders despite voicing objections are overruled because they do not have the numbers.
This is where institutional investors come into the picture since they represent humungous numbers of shareholders and hence have the bargaining power needed to make a difference.
Of course, the flipside to this is that institutional investors do not usually pursue radical changes and instead focus on maintaining the financial and operational efficiencies of the organization and promoting good corporate governance.
Further, in the case of Vedanta, institutional investors made sure that the company followed social and environmental norms and did not ride roughshod over its obligations to society and the government.
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