Cultural Levels and Business
February 12, 2025
As #MeToo Turns Nearly A Decade Old, Time For Corporate America to Walk the Talk on D&I The viral #MeToo movement represented a “coming of age” for career women worldwide as they sought to highlight the pervasive sexual harassment and gender discrimination in workplaces the world over. The very success of #MeToo as a “spontaneous” […]
Population Growth Among all the developing countries, population growth remains one of the reasons for these countries to remain poor. To take specific examples, both India and China have historically been among the poorer countries because of their huge populations. It was only after the economic liberalisation and opening up of their respective economies that […]
By understanding the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance, anyone will get motivated to take the necessary steps for achieving this balance. Work-Life balance is advantageous for the employees and organization as well. A balance between the work and personal life, helps in improving the employee productivity, morale and health condition. In fact, work-life […]
Consultative selling has been the new buzz word doing rounds in marketing and sales circles. Lawyers and consultants have always been selling their services by consulting. However, this has now been recognized as an important attitude and orientation that every salesman, all business managers and organizations need to possess. Organizations for long have realized the […]
Consultative selling has gained global acceptance as the most effective sales process and has now been adopted by all industries and organizations from insurance to hotels, from airlines to hospitals including industrial, retain and all other sectors of business. Organizations have realized the need to be customer centric and build customer relationship to be centric […]
Getting to know all about E Marketing and how business is transacted online is important for every student of business management as well as for professionals. Online selling is picking up and growing. More and more people are beginning to find it convenient to shop online. With robust systems for financial transactions in place, consumers are beginning to gain confidence in shopping online and making payments.
Understanding all about E marketing begins with understanding how the internet works, how the customers search for information and data. Further on you will need to know all about how Search Engines work, how they gather the data by going through thousands of web pages, filter the content and produce the list of relevant websites within a matter of few seconds.
From there on you will need to learn all about building web pages with SEO content and other technical features that will ensure that the traffic is directed to the website. Your website therefore is your identity on the internet.
You will need to understand all of the technicalities that go into building web pages, hosting the same as well as ensuring that the web page is so constructed and managed that it continues to be one of the top listed references.
No doubt the technical aspects of web page hosting is the domain of SEO experts. But then as marketing or business managers, it helps to know the relevant details of how things work in this scenario so that you are in a position to work better with the developers and add value.
Websites will need to be continually upgraded with content as well as functionality. Sometimes the changes in marketing or selling strategy, changes in the business structure or the Company in terms of mergers etc or the changing technology environment might warrant changes to the website functionalities.
In line with the communication strategy the website might need to go through periodic changes too. On the other front the site has to be continually upgraded to ensure better search ability too. Understanding these technical issues will help you identify problems as well as solutions that you might encounter in building your online sales model.
Search engines mine the data from thousands of web pages using sequential processes known as crawling, indexing and ranking. Sometimes the website architecture may not be sufficiently geared up to allow the search engines to extract the required data from the web pages easily and hence your site may not be getting listed right at the top of the list and you might be missing out on all those customers who are looking for making their online purchases right now.
Technical glitches like slow server response time or page loading time can cause the search engine to skip your website and go forward. Several shortcomings in the content of the website can also contribute to the reason why your website might be figuring at the bottom of the list.
Apart from non SEO Optimized content, there can also be problems with site registration that obstructs the search engine from accessing data from the web pages. There can be several issues with Java script and flash that can obstruct easy retrieval of content by the search engines.
If your website content has too much of multi media objects with very less of extractable data or text, your web page may be easily by passed by the Search Engine.
Understanding some of the common technical issues related to website and content can help you work with the technical developers and come up with solutions that help in ensuring that your online business is on the right track towards progress.
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