Cultural Levels and Business
February 12, 2025
Accounting has been hailed by many as the “language of business”. There are many quotations like “A pen is mightier than the sword but no match for the accountant” by Jonathan Glancey which tell us about the power and importance of accounting. The text book definition of accounting states that it includes recording, summarizing, reporting […]
We are living in exciting times. Technology, globalisation and advancement in all fields has ushered a new age where lifestyle is going to be redefined. Internet has changed the face of the earth. It has managed to erase the borders and nationalities to bring all of humanity on one platform. Internet also provides unlimited opportunities […]
What Average People Think of Social Media ? Average people think of social media as a leisure activity. They think social media exists so that they can connect with their friends and family and share what is important to them. That is exactly what it is from a consumer point of view. It is a […]
The geographical boundaries drawn by nation states are blurring in the 21st century. In many parts of the world, free movement of goods, services, and even personnel have become a norm. However, strangely, the concept of credit and loans is still dependent upon national boundaries. The H1B visa system of America is a testimony to […]
Ethics in general refers to a system of good and bad, moral and immoral, fair and unfair. It is a code of conduct that is supposed to align behaviors within an organization and the social framework. But the question that remains is, where and when did business ethics come into being? Primarily ethics in business […]
In CRM the alphabet ‘R’ means relationship. But there is always an ambiguity to understand the actual meaning of this relationship. This relationship between supplier and customer is not a personal relationship or a one-time transaction relationship; for example buying a refrigerator from a consumer’s outlet would not be called as a relationship.
Relationship between any two parties is actually the interaction or transaction done between the two over-times or consists of a continuous series of synergistic episode of interaction many a times. This relationship only exists when the two parties diverge from a state of autonomy to mutual or interdependent. Occasionally having a cup of tea from a cafe does not mean that there is a relationship. If the customer returns to the cafe and orders the same tea again because he likes the environment and taste or the method of making tea, more looks like a relationship.
Relationship with customers can change from time to time because it is evolved under distinguished situations. Following are the stages from where the relationship with customers can evolve-
Relationship can come to an end due to many reasons like - customer is not satisfied with the services of supplier or customer diverges to other better brands and products. Suppliers can also prefer to break relationships due to customer failing to be a part to increase sales volume or when the suppliers are entangled with fraud cases.
Broadly there can be two distinguished attributes of a developed relationship between supplier and customer:
Relationship is always mutual or reciprocal so it is important for both supplier and customers to stick to common guideline to attain better relationship among each other. There is lot of involvement of cost, efforts and time in striving developed relationships between the two parties but the outcome is always inevitable.
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