MSG Team's other articles

9108 Emergence of ERP System

Introduction Enterprise Resource Planning or ERP is one the most common term used among corporate world, business school and in the technology structure. There are several definitions of the ERP, but the term can be best understood if each word is looked at individually. Enterprise refers to any organization with aspiration and business motive. In […]

9926 Information System for Decision Support

Introduction In the current globalized business environment, decision making is becoming more and more difficult. Some of the problems faced by business are as follows: There is large volume of internal organizational data on hand thanks to the modern data-storage system. However, not all data available would be useful for decision. The flow of information […]

12083 Does The Government Create Monopolies?

The mainstream media believes that capitalism is the dominant economic system prevalent in the world today. This is why any economic failure in the modern world is quickly dubbed as being a failure of capitalism. However, according to many economists, the world is not really following capitalism. Free market and least government interference are the […]

12563 Business Intelligence – Architecture, Components and its Benefits

Introduction The current business environment is constantly evolving. The global economic scenario is providing opportunities as well as challenges. The factors affecting business environment are consumer needs, globalization, and government policies, etc. In such a business environment, organization basically has four action steps. The organization can be reactive, anticipative, adaptive, or/and proactive. For this, organization […]

9577 How Chinese Corporations Are Going Global?

China has seen rapid development in the past two or three decades. It has become the export powerhouse of the world. However, Chinese companies were always considered to be the cheap imitators. Chinese companies were earlier contractors for American and European countries who provided cheap labor to assemble their high tech products. However, this has […]

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The Composition and the Reporting Structure

Any Six Sigma Team usually has 7 types of personnel and a three layer reporting structure. The details of the same are as follows:

  • Layer 1 of the Six Sigma Team: Project Champion and Process Owner

  • Layer 2 of Six the Sigma Team: Project Lead, Finance Certifier, Project Coach

  • Layer 3 of the Six Sigma Team: Project Team Members, Special Knowledge Team

The internal communication of a Six Sigma team is highly informal. This is because every project has different requirements and the working cannot be generalised. However, before the beginning of any project, explicit roles and responsibilities are assigned to every person on the team.

However, team members are also requested to be vigilant and enthusiastic about any new needs that may arise during the execution of the project.

Stages at Which Required

The following matrix explains the different stages of the Six Sigma project, where different personnel are required. The roles and responsibilities of each of these personnel have been mentioned in detail in the later articles of this module

DEFINEProject ChampionProject LeadFinance CertifierProcess OwnerProject Coach 
MEASUREProject TeamProject Lead  Project Coach 
ANALYSEProject TeamProject Lead  Project Coach 
IMPROVEProject TeamProject Lead  Project Coach 
CONTROLProject TeamProject Lead  Project Coach 
PROJECT CLOSINGProject TeamProject LeadFinance CertifierProcess OwnerProject CoachProject Champion
Special Knowledge Team May Be Deployed As Required At Any Stage

Article Written by

MSG Team

An insightful writer passionate about sharing expertise, trends, and tips, dedicated to inspiring and informing readers through engaging and thoughtful content.

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