Cram Down in Bankruptcy Proceedings
February 12, 2025
In the previous article, we understood what preferred shares are and also paid attention to their characteristic features. In this article, we will take the conversation forward by understanding the pros and cons of investing in preferred shares. An analysis of the commonly stated pros and cons helps investors evaluate the use of preferred shares […]
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Financial modeling has become an essential part of most real estate transactions today. This is because of the fact that real estate deals today are complex are undertaken not only by individuals but by corporations who specialize in such transactions. Take the case of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), for example. These trusts are organizations […]
If you are an investor who is even remotely connected to financial markets, the odds are that you have heard about the spectacular rise of Bitcoin. The crypto-currency has grown from $10,000 to $17,000 in a week. Many believe that this is a bubble. However, there are others who believe that the rise of Bitcoin […]
The Three statement financial models and discounted cash flow models are considered to be basic from a financial modeling point of view. On the other hand, financial modeling for mergers and acquisitions is said to require a lot of skill. Merger modeling is extremely complex. This is also the reason why investment banks across the […]
As mentioned in the previous article, the financing required by companies in order to keep their operations afloat after filing bankruptcy is known as DIP financing. With regard to DIP financing, there is a standard market for lenders who offer DIP financing. There are investment bankers who specialize in helping clients obtain DIP financing.
However, the task is more complicated than helping debtors obtain regular financing. This is because the lenders know that there are very few options in which borrowers have to raise funds. As a result, they definitely have the upper hand in the negotiations. Hence, the lenders try to get the best deal that they can with the borrowers. However, these deals have to be accepted by the existing lenders as well. If they do not accept the deal, then the negotiations with the borrowers become null and void. As a result, existing lenders often use their clout to get the new borrower to give a better deal.
However, the entire process turns out to be very complicated. This is because, firstly, there are multiple parties involved. Also, secondly, there are various rounds of negotiations in which the details go back and forth several times.
There are various modes of financing which are used to secure DIP financing. The details of some of these modes have been explained in this article.
There are several modes of DIP financing which are used by borrowers and lenders. The details of some of these modes have been written below:
Apart from the above-mentioned modes, there are various unconventional modes which are used in DIP financing as well.
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