Cost Benefit Analysis for Training
February 12, 2025
Innovation according to Peter Drucker Innovation is the buzzword among many companies operating internationally as well as in the domestic economy. Increasingly, the ability of an organization to innovate is being seen as a source of competitive advantage. The well known management expert, Peter Drucker throws light on the “sources of innovation” as well as […]
Introduction For most management graduates and students in business schools, working for the world famous Big Five management consultancies such as McKinsey, Booze Allen, Boston Consulting Group (BCG), Price Waterhouse (PWC), and Anderson consulting is a dream come true. Indeed, the fact that these consultancies are often given the Day Zero or the opening slots […]
“95% of job seekers’ very first experience with you comes through the ‘careers’ section of your website”, reveals Bernard Hodes Group Inc., a full service employer brand agency, which was acquired by Findly in June 2013. This means your careers’ website or section decides who responds to the job openings with your organization. It makes […]
Job design is the next step after job analysis that aims at outlining, and organizing tasks and responsibilities associated with a certain job. It integrates job responsibilities and qualifications or skills that are required to perform the same. There are various methods or approaches to do this. The important ones are discussed below Human Approach […]
Many organizations in the contemporary scenario have realized the importance of work-life balance for the employees, so that they remain healthy and happy, which will directly reflect on their productivity at work and overall job satisfaction. Research has proven that by compelling the employees for achieving higher targets/production, may yield results in the short run […]
Most of training is either technical or behavioural in nature, but there are still other trainings that are neither. These fall under the ambit of special training programs and are conducted with an agenda of smoothening the work process within the organisation.
Workforce diversity can be both positive and negative for the organisation. Positive in that it brings fresh and different perspectives to the latter and negative in that team building may not be that easy. Multinational corporations that employ workforce of all races, creeds and colour face the problem racism. Similarly organisations in the Asian subcontinent more specially, face the problem of sexual harassment of workers. There are other problems also apart from these and these can only be resolved with the help of awareness trainings.
In this article we briefly discuss trainings other than the behavioural and technical ones.
There are other training types that involve training expatriates and inpatriates. These form however a very small chunk of the entire training programs. These special training programs are also with an intent of organisation and people development, aimed implicitly at organisational effectiveness and profits.
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