Commercial Paper: A Primer
February 12, 2025
Portfolio management refers to the art of managing various financial products and assets to help an individual earn maximum revenues with minimum risks involved in the long run. Portfolio management helps an individual to decide where and how to invest his hard earned money for guaranteed returns in the future. Portfolio Management Models Capital Asset […]
Pension funds across the world are meant to be low-risk financial instruments. They are allowed to take slightly more risks in some parts of the world as compared to others. However, for the most part, pension fund across the world is advised to stay away from risky instruments such as derivatives. Derivatives have been known […]
The typical successful start-up obtains funding from various private investors at the earlier stages of the business. Now, these investors do not want to stay with the company forever. They just provide capital to help the company become a full-fledged business. Once the operations of the company are in order, the private investors generally want […]
The Finance Function in Corporates We often read about how corporates are doing financially with reference to their profits, asset values, debt, equity, and other measures. These measures are indicative of how well the corporate is doing financially. The next time you read about these measures, do think about the people who enable these performance […]
Setting up a startup company can require a lot of paperwork. It is common for startup founders to spend a lot of their time and effort putting these papers in order. It may seem like a mundane chore and even counterproductive. However, the reality is that the company needs to have all its legal documents […]
From the previous articles, we already know that money markets form an integral part of the overall financial system. Also because of their large volumes and high ratio of demand deposits, the money market funds are always at the risk of a run. It is for this reason that the Securities and Exchange Commission has made it mandatory for money market funds to conduct periodic stress tests. This helps safeguard the interests of investors as well as of the entire financial system in general.
In this article, we will have a closer look at the details of the stress testing process in money market mutual funds.
Money market funds need to be stress-tested since they face a lot of different types of pressures. Some of these have been listed below:
Another important outcome of the exercise is that the interest rate can be identified at which the money market fund might start facing solvency issues. This helps the management to continuously monitor their solvency in the light of the latest information
The impact at different levels is mapped in order to understand the point where such redemptions will lead to the insolvency of the fund. This analysis is used by money market funds to determine when the rights to redeem funds needs to be suspended
The fact of the matter is that stress testing was used by many sponsors and financial corporations in the money market.
It was always a best practice for the sponsors to be aware of how the changes in the external environment will impact the value of the portfolio. However, now, this best practice is no longer voluntary. Instead, it is mandatory for all money market funds to conduct these tests because:
The bottom line is that stress testing in money markets is not only required from a regulatory point of view but is also desired by investors. This is the reason that the practice has been quickly adopted by all players in the money market.
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