Cost Estimate and Accounting in ERP
February 12, 2025
While America is the largest economy in the nation, there is a considerable push towards rebuilding America’s infrastructure. Many Americans believe that they are losing out globally to firms that have better infrastructure in place. Companies in China have been beating America at low-cost manufacturing for decades now. However, even if higher labor costs are […]
Cities are the Future of the World The future of the world would be in cities and urban and semi-urban regions and hence, it is better for governments, businesses, investors, and citizen groups to prepare for an urbanized world where sustainability of the urban modes of living and working would increasingly be strained by inadequate […]
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is often in the news. Every now and then some countries approach the IMF when they need funding to save their failing economies. Almost every educated person on earth has heard about the IMF. Also, everybody thinks that the IMF is a global institution with almost unlimited access to money. […]
Introduction Enterprise Resource Planning or ERP is one the most common term used among corporate world, business school and in the technology structure. There are several definitions of the ERP, but the term can be best understood if each word is looked at individually. Enterprise refers to any organization with aspiration and business motive. In […]
Bavarian Motor Works (BMW), which is a world famous car manufacturing company, has now set up its plant in Mexico. The company plans to use this plant to manufacture more of its famous 3 series vehicles. The unique thing about this plant is that it has been set up despite Trump’s constant blackmail to automobile […]
Production Order Subcontracting - In the age of production outsourcing and the organizational focus on their core competency, subcontracting of production orders is assuming greater importance. In addition to the business functionality necessary for producing goods in house, sub contraction operations necessitates some additional business process such as generation of sub contracting purchase order.
Sub contracting is normally planned, but sometime may be unplanned to meet exigency of a situation, such as breakdown of a plant. Normally, an ERP system treats subcontracting similar to procurement of a service.
A typical flow chart of subcontracting production order is as follows:
Procedure for subcontracting production orders: A few details of the process (in addition to normal procedure of production order control), as shown in the flow chart, is given below:
Materials Issue - When a production order is carried out, required materials from warehouses is needed to be issued. There are various ways of releasing materials for a production order, as detailed below.
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