Credit Market Freeze – Causes and its Importance
February 12, 2025
The wrong definition of inflation has caused a lot of harm to modern day nations as well as their economies. However, one of the biggest problems created by this misinformation is the price fixing policy. Price fixing is a flawed and failed policy which has caused taxpayers to lose billions of dollars and suffer immense […]
Why Wannabe Influencers and Creators Need a Reality Check on Social Media The rise of the Creator Economy in recent years has made some social media influencers very rich. Attracted by their successes, Millions of so-called Creators, who create everything from YouTube/TikTok videos, to Instagram reels, and LinkedIn articles, not to leave out Facebook and […]
The new age mortgage market was extremely unlike the old one. The old one used to work based on a simple mortgage contract between the borrower and the lender. However, in the previous few articles, we read about how the system has completely changed. Instead of the bank holding the loan for its entire tenure, […]
Real estate investing is a sophisticated business. There are sophisticated techniques that are used by many diligent investors to carry out their due diligence. One such sophisticated technique is called ratio analysis. This technique is very similar to the ratio analysis that is carried out while evaluating the financial statements of publicly listed corporations. However, […]
In the previous article we studies about what Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are. We also understood that they have become remarkably popular in a very short span of time and that they have a place in virtually every portfolio in the United States. We also learned that this trend is fast spreading across the […]
“As safe as houses”, this phrase is often used in our society. A house is supposed to be the safest place than one can be. Also, until 2008, most Americans and also most people worldwide considered this to be true of investments. A house was about as safe as an investment can get. It used to have a steady compounding rate of appreciation. The growth was nothing spectacular, rather just safe and sound cash flows that came in like clockwork.
True, that the average person had heard about housing market booms in some distant past. However, almost no-one had seen or experienced one very recently. Hence, although stocks, bonds and other investments being traded on the market were viewed as risky, a house was a different matter altogether.
This was about to change in 2008, with the bust of subprime mortgage crisis. The market may not have realized it. However, the houses were not safe at all. It turns out that the houses were built and sold on the basis of some very dubious lending practices. This is the reason why the study of subprime mortgage crisis is necessary for anyone studying asset bubbles.
United States and the world may have seen many housing crashes. However subprime mortgage crisis was distinctly different on many counts.
Firstly, it was the biggest bust of any kind that the world had seen since the Great Depression of 1929. This places in the category of the worst financial events that the world has ever witnessed.
Secondly, the crisis did not stay local to the United States. The subprime mortgage crisis became a worldwide phenomenon. Hence falling housing prices and rising delinquencies in the US became the cause for a worldwide recession and slowdown.
Thirdly, the crisis did not stay concentrated to the housing or banking sector. Rather, the crisis became an underlying economic current which caused bankruptcies of major corporations worldwide even though these corporations had absolutely nothing to do with mortgages or housing!
Ever since, the subprime mortgage crisis is used as a case study, a reminder of how interconnected our global financial system really has become.
The effects of the subprime mortgage crisis were too many to be listed down in this article. We shall have a detailed look at them in the module. However, just to provide a glimpse, this catastrophic event led to changes in the following areas:
The subprime mortgage crisis led to a lot of debates. Talk shows and newspaper columns were full of debates. Blame was being shifted from one group of stakeholders to the other. There were multiple hypotheses as to what caused this catastrophe. The government was forced to act on these theories and some pieces of legislation were passed or removed to make the financial system more stable.
Throughout the course of this module we will look at some of the most prominent theories and debates and make an attempt to analyze them.
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