Cutting Costs Strategically
February 12, 2025
What is the United Nations Global Compact ? The United Nations Global Compact is a set of principles that encourage the signatories to the compact to pursue social and environmental responsibility. Unlike the UN Millennium Development Goals, the UN Global Compact has corporates as its signatories and hence, this is the first comprehensive and cohesive […]
The Rise of the Millennials The previous articles discussed the various aspects of strategy and how businesses can use different strategic options to respond to the multifarious needs of the 21st century business landscape. An aspect that is of crucial importance is the rise of the millennial generation or those born between 1980 and 1995. […]
In today’s world if internet and communication boundary has erased geographical boundaries, international retailing has brought the world market to the local store near you. Any international brand of fashion or product that you desire can be easily found in the city in your country. The rapid urbanisation, globalisation coupled with economic freedom enjoyed by […]
Customers play the most significant part in business. In fact the customer is the actual boss in a deal and is responsible for the actually profit for the organization. Customer is the one who uses the products and services and judges the quality of those products and services. Hence it’s important for an organization to […]
Managing customers’ satisfaction efficiently is one the biggest challenge an organization face. The tools or methods to measure customer satisfaction needs to be defined sophisticatedly to fulfill the desired norms. There are following methods to measure customer satisfaction: Direct Methods: Directly contacting customers and getting their valuable feedback is very important. Following are some of […]
China Mobile is a Chinese Telecom major that has been in the news in recent years because of its jaw dropping growth rates as well as its ballooning subscriber base.
Once considered as a protected state owned enterprise incapable of efficiency, it has now transformed itself into a domineering company in China with global dreams and ambitions to conquer international markets.
As the succeeding SWOT Analysis indicates, the company can leverage on its strengths and work on its weaknesses so that the threats are transformed into opportunities and it continues to be a company to reckon with.
Indeed, the fact that China Mobile was ranked in the Top 100 Important Brands in the World in 2007 means that it has well and truly arrived in the global arena.
Moreover, as the cities become saturated, it is only natural that China Mobile starts to look to the rural hinterland for future growth.
With recent technological breakthroughs like 4G and even 3G, China Mobile faces a threat to its business model and it has to offer higher value added services to stay in the reckoning.
As the preceding SWOT Analysis indicates, China Mobile has its task cut out as it begins its international journey and continues its domestic market leadership.
As things stand, many western investors are eyeing its stock which is clearly an achievement considering that its IPO (Initial Public Offering) in 1997 hardly attracted interest outside Hong Kong where it started its evolution from a limited player to a market leadership position.
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