Cutting Costs Strategically
February 12, 2025
Regression scoring is one of the difficult but more precise and faithful marketing technique as compared to profiling and modeling. For targeting new and esteemed customers all the organization substantially pursue regression scoring techniques. Following is the process involved in regression scoring: Identify the prospect or probable customers from the population of all customers and […]
You must have heard it from one and all that no Company has a choice when it comes to being present and marketing through Social Media Channels. Understanding of the various media channels, their capabilities, the kind of audience and community that participates in a particular platform helps in designing or choosing the right mix […]
The term “sweatshops” has been used a lot by the American media or the media in developed nations at large. The sweatshops refer to subcontracting arrangements that big multinational firms like Nike and Adidas have with subcontractors in third world countries like Bangladesh. The provisions are made to exploit the low cost of labor present […]
Merchandising Retail Merchandising refers to the various activities which contribute to the sale of products to the consumers for their end use. Every retail store has its own line of merchandise to offer to the customers. The display of the merchandise plays an important role in attracting the customers into the store and prompting them […]
Social Media Marketing has rewritten the marketing methods and theories like never before. Technology has enabled online marketing. When we refer to selling online we mean E-Commerce but when we refer to using Social Media Channels for marketing purposes we are essentially referring to advertising and marketing to customers through the different platforms. Availability of […]
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