Cutting Costs Strategically
February 12, 2025
Introduction The concept of knowledge as the founding block for attaining competitive advantage has become quite prevalent in Management studies. All knowledge should begin form a piece of information. For the conversion of information into knowledge there is a critical aspect to be noted. This is related to the timing of the retrieval of information. […]
Why Corporations Must be Made Accountable for Their Actions Throughout the history of the modern corporations, there have been cases where corporations have literally and figuratively gotten off with murder and wanton destruction and exploitation of the natural environment. Indeed, the 20th century is littered with examples of how rapacious corporations have both extracted resources […]
Organic Growth Organic growth in management parlance refers to the growth of a company that occurs naturally. In other words, if a company grows through increased revenues and increased profitability on its own without resorting to mergers and acquisitions, then it is known to grow organically. For instance, companies like Infosys are known to shun […]
What is a County of Origin Effect? COO or Country of Origin Effect refers to the practice of marketers and consumers associating brands with countries and making buying decisions made on the country of origin of the product. For instance, as we shall discuss later, we tend to associate quality with the Japanese and precision […]
Consultative selling process is not easy to handle and can be quite lengthy too. However a good salesman never loses his patience with each of his leads and pursues until each case to its logical conclusion. With every sales lead, one gets to learn and better one’s skill. Over a period of time, handling and […]
Unilever operates in nearly 190 countries around the world and has been a traditional paragon of excellence and quality in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods sector. The company derives its competitive advantage from its global footprint and its track record of enhancing value for the consumers around the world. Even in the current recessionary environment, it has managed to grow at a respectable pace though as we shall discuss latter, Unilever cannot afford to ignore the emerging threats from a wide range of global, regional, and local players. Apart from this, as the succeeding SWOT Analysis makes it clear, the battle for the emerging markets is likely to escalate into a no holds barred competition with a race to the bottom ensuing between the global giants like Unilever and Proctor and Gamble and a array of local players.
Unilever has been in the business of consumer fulfillment for many decades and hence, we are confident that it can tide over the present gloomy conditions in the FMCG segment. Having said that, we conclude the article with a cautionary note of not taking the threat from the Asian FMCG majors lightly as they understand the continent better and at the same time are mastering the intricacies of the global marketplace.
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