Current Trends in Talent Management
February 12, 2025
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The Paradox of Too many People, Capital and Too Few Jobs and Resources The present times are characterized by an oversupply of everything related to the job market and the presence of so much capital at the disposal of companies. On the other hand, the physical resources needed like oil, gas, minerals, and water are […]
Entrepreneurship is Fashionable These days, entrepreneurs are everywhere. From Silicon Valley to Sao Palo in Brazil, and from Boston to Bangalore, starting one’s own business is indeed the rage among the young and the restless. Moreover, ever since the Great Recession of 2008, full-time jobs have become scarce and in addition, with the rise of […]
What is the Marshmallow Test and Why We are Living in an Age of Distraction We live in an Age of Distraction. Our Smartphones give us “never ending” pleasure and thrills, and dulls our senses and takes away our ability to focus on a task for more than a few minutes. Research has shown that […]
The foundation of a strong knowledge management (KM) system is data. However, using data effectively is the key to real success. Companies can perform a process called predictive analytics with their data in order to save valuable time and money within their organization. What is Predictive Analytics? According to Harvard, Predictive analytics is the use […]
Without doubt talent management is a very useful concept for organizations but unfortunately many of them look upon the former as an overhead rather than a value creating process. This can be attributed to some flaws in the implementation and some myths among HR practitioners regarding the same.
In this write up we try to unravel some of those myths and solutions of the same.
Reality: Paying higher than rival firms may help to a certain extent in retaining your employees. It may also help you poach certain employees from your rivals but in the long run, money fails to motivate people. Money is a hygiene factor; its absence may be a de-motivating factor but presence surely cannot be motivating for long.
Solution: It is the day to day work, organizational culture and career progression that motivates people more on a daily basis. Analyze each employee on what motivates whom and try to align their career interests with their growth in the organization.
Reality: It is the attributes and the culture of the organization that is most likely to motivate people to work better and be happy with their jobs. Leadership and job empowerment are other factors that contribute to that happiness of employees.
Solution: Work on making the organization a better place in terms of enriching the culture, improving senior junior relationships and of course laying due emphasis on how the employees are being compensated.
Reality: There is no direct connection between levels of attrition and employee engagement. In fact employees who are engaged well are more productive and take ownership of their work. Since organizations about people, well engagement not only improves employee performance but also organizational or corporate performance. According to one recent research engaged employees perform 22 percent better, have lesser rates of absenteeism, and produce greater customer satisfactions.
Solution: Customize engagement strategy for each employee and show the connection between employees work commitment and organizational success. Improvise key drivers such as manager’s expertise and future career opportunities and development.
Reality: In absence of employee engagement the organizations stands at the risk of losing projects in hand. Continued absence of employee engagement may in fact de-motivate an employee to contribute his best.
Solution: Employee engagement is critically required to retain and polish talent that is essential for future growth and opportunities.
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