Current Trends in Talent Management
February 12, 2025
Employees are the backbone of an organization who play a crucial role in its success and failure. Employees need to feel comfortable at workplace and work should never be a mere source of burden for them. Employees ought to be valued if you want them to deliver their level best. They need to be appreciated […]
Restructuring the elements including tasks, duties and responsibilities of a specific job in order to make it more encouraging and inspiring for the employees or workers is known as job redesigning. The process includes revising, analyzing, altering, reforming and reshuffling the job-related content and dimensions to increase the variety of assignments and functions to motivate […]
An organization can’t perform only with the help of chairs, tables, fans or other non living entities. It needs human beings who work together and perform to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization. The human beings working together towards a common goal at a common place (organization) are called employees. Infact the employees […]
Youth Entrepreneurship development in any country calls for Macro and Micro level detailing and policy definition. Effectiveness in implementation of Youth Entrepreneurship depends chiefly on the policy definition, provisions and the implementation plan envisaged as per the policy. One of the most important aspects of Youth Entrepreneurship development that one needs to keep in mind […]
Employee Stress is negatively correlated to their work performance. In short, more the level of stress, lower is the performance. It was conventionally perceived that reasonable levels of stress would boost the employees and improve their work performance. But this perception no longer holds true. Today it is believed that even a little bit of […]
What if you could attract your competitor’s best employee for few extra bucks? Sounds easier than done! Attracting high-worth individuals from the competitors is not everyone’s cup of tea. Targeting them and finally hiring them is the test of your competencies experience, personal traits and brain application. This is where the strategic approach plays an important role. A full-fledged department, precisely Talent Management (a part of HRD), especially dedicated to the purpose is required to recognize, source and poach them. However the process doesn’t finish here. It is a never-ending course of action that requires continuous effort. Let’s read further to explore and understand the concept.
Talent Management, as the name itself suggests is managing the ability, competency and power of employees within an organization. The concept is not restricted to recruiting the right candidate at the right time but it extends to exploring the hidden and unusual qualities of your employees and developing and nurturing them to get the desired results. Hiring the best talent from the industry may be a big concern for the organizations today but retaining them and most importantly, transitioning them according to the culture of the organization and getting the best out of them is a much bigger concern.
Talent Management in organizations is not just limited to attracting the best people from the industry but it is a continuous process that involves sourcing, hiring, developing, retaining and promoting them while meeting the organization’s requirements simultaneously. For instance, if an organization wants the best talent of its competitor to work with it, it needs to attract that person and offer him something that is far beyond his imagination to come and join and then stick to the organization. Only hiring him does not solve the purpose but getting the things done from him is the main task. Therefore, it can be said that talent management is a full-fledged process that not only controls the entry of an employee but also his or her exit.
We all know that it’s people who take the organization to the next level. To achieve success in business, the most important thing is to recognize the talent that can accompany you in achieving your goal. Attracting them to work for you and strategically fitting them at a right place in your organization is the next step. It is to be remembered that placing a candidate at a wrong place can multiply your problems regardless of the qualifications, skills, abilities and competency of that person. How brilliant he or she may be, but placing them at a wrong place defeats your sole purpose. The process of talent management is incomplete if you’re unable to fit the best talent of the industry at the place where he or she should be.
Some organizations may find the whole process very unethical especially who are at the giving end (who loses their high-worth employee). But in this cut-throat competition where survival is a big question mark, the whole concept sounds fair. Every organization requires the best talent to survive and remain ahead in competition. Talent is the most important factor that drives an organization and takes it to a higher level, and therefore, can not be compromised at all. It won’t be exaggerating saying talent management as a never-ending war for talent!
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