Convertible Notes and Startup Funding
February 12, 2025
Whenever investors pool their resources together in order to create a fund that then invests in other assets, the concept of fiduciary duty comes into play. The average investor considers fiduciary duty to be a complex legal subject and hence tries to avoid delving into the details. However, the subject is not very complex. Also, […]
Sporting franchises are often said to be confused about what their objectives should be. One chain of thought believes that since they are businesses, their objectives should also be financial in nature. This means that their objectives should also be about profit maximization or wealth maximization. On the other hand, there is a different chain […]
For any startup financing to be successful, the startup company and the investors need to be on the same page about a lot of issues. This is because, in the absence of this understanding, valuation divergence can be a quagmire of ever-escalating tensions between the two parties. One major source of conflict between these two […]
Accounting has been hailed by many as the “language of business”. There are many quotations like “A pen is mightier than the sword but no match for the accountant” by Jonathan Glancey which tell us about the power and importance of accounting. The text book definition of accounting states that it includes recording, summarizing, reporting […]
Psychographic models have evolved over the ages. They first began with the Bernwall model, which was a one-dimensional model. It later evolved into the BBK model, which was a two-dimensional model. Finally, in recent times, three-dimensional psychographic models have been developed. In this article, we will have a closer look at the three-dimensional model as […]
When we talk about social media, we often refer to companies like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. However, in the past few years, another company has emerged as a huge player in the social media space. This company has created an application that is known for having high levels of user engagement. The application being talked about is TikTok.
TikTok has taken the world of social media by storm. This is because millions of people are using this application to create content. This application is very successful amongst the younger target audiences. As a result, Bytedance, the Chinese company which has created TikTok has become the most valuable start-up in the world. The company is valued at close to $280 billion.
However, despite its high levels of user engagement, TikTok seems like an application that is not meant for entertainment only. Most people around the world are not clear as to how TikTok generates revenue and how it has become one of the most valuable applications across the world.
In this article, we will explain the business model of TikTok which enables it to generate significant amounts of profitability.
The business model of TitTok is that it allows users to create, watch and share 15-second videos. These videos can be made catchy since TikTok allows the users to choose from various background filters and various sounds. The application has been downloaded and installed more than 315 million times across the globe!
Even though TikTok is a free app from the consumer's point of view, it still has various revenue streams which it can draw upon. TikTok has developed various forms of advertisements that it uses to make money on its application. Some of the most prominent revenue streams have been listed in the article below:
TikTok has been tight-lipped about the profit that it generates. The company does not share too much information. Also, since it is based in China, there is even more opacity as information shared for regulatory purposes is also not known. However, some estimates show that TikTok derives most of its revenue from China.
Estimates suggest that the company generates 80% of its revenue from China. However, the company is now trying to diversify into the global marketplace. The company faces a significant challenge as it has been banned in several countries because of the fear that it may be sharing user-generated data with the Chinese government.
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