Time Management Tips for Students
February 12, 2025
Download PPT for Complete Course on Grapevine Communication Total Slides: 44 Grapevine is an informal channel of business communication. It is called so because it stretches throughout the organization in all directions irrespective of the authority levels. Man as we know is a social animal. Despite existence of formal channels in an organization, the informal […]
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Time Management refers to making the best possible use of time and doing the right thing at the right time.
Managing time well plays a pivotal role in finishing off tasks within the stipulated time frame and also increases productivity of an individual.
Employees must learn to manage time well at the workplace to achieve targets ahead of deadline and make a mark of their own.
One who understands the value of time is never overburdened and enjoys each and every moment to the fullest.
You can’t do anything and everything. Pick up all that is important and urgent at the start of the day and finish it off first before starting with something which can be done a little later. Know what is important for you. Allocate specific time slots to activities as per their relevance and make sure you stick to the same.
Ignoring critical issues is pointless. You have to do it in any case. Discuss with your co workers or immediate reporting boss and find out a solution. Keeping a check on your time helps you complete task just when it is needed.
Assign some time in your daily schedule to check updates on social networking sites or calling up your friends but do know where to draw the line. Your office does not pay you for gossiping and loitering around.
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