Time Management Tips for Students
February 12, 2025
A reinsurance contract is essentially a contract between a ceding insurance company as well as a reinsurance company. Under plain vanilla reinsurance contracts, the premiums, as well as risks, are transferred proportionately from the ceding insurer to the reinsurance company. In some cases, this arrangement is not acceptable to one or both of the parties. […]
Politics arises when employees try to gain something which is beyond their control by tarnishing their colleague’s reputation. It has been observed that employees who are indulged in office politics pay less attention to their work. Individuals play politics at the workplace when they tend to misuse their power simply to come in the limelight […]
Ceding insurance companies take reinsurance in order to protect themselves from massive losses that may occur when catastrophes occur. The problem is that when these catastrophic events do occur, the maximum limit of the reinsurance contract is breached. As a result, ceding insurers may find themselves without any coverage in the middle of the year. […]
Catastrophe modeling used to be considered very complex and difficult to use. Just a few decades back, most insurance companies were either unwilling to or unable to use catastrophe models. However, over the past couple of decades, the field of catastrophe modeling has seen rapid change. The increase in computing power has led to catastrophe […]
Negotiation is nothing but a discussion among individuals to find out an alternative which takes into account the interest of all and nobody is at loss. In a win- win negotiation people try their level best to come to a solution where every one is benefited and no body is at loss. Negotiation is essential […]
Time Management refers to making the best possible use of time and doing the right thing at the right time.
Managing time well plays a pivotal role in finishing off tasks within the stipulated time frame and also increases productivity of an individual.
Employees must learn to manage time well at the workplace to achieve targets ahead of deadline and make a mark of their own.
One who understands the value of time is never overburdened and enjoys each and every moment to the fullest.
You can’t do anything and everything. Pick up all that is important and urgent at the start of the day and finish it off first before starting with something which can be done a little later. Know what is important for you. Allocate specific time slots to activities as per their relevance and make sure you stick to the same.
Ignoring critical issues is pointless. You have to do it in any case. Discuss with your co workers or immediate reporting boss and find out a solution. Keeping a check on your time helps you complete task just when it is needed.
Assign some time in your daily schedule to check updates on social networking sites or calling up your friends but do know where to draw the line. Your office does not pay you for gossiping and loitering around.
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