Common Barriers to the Successful Functioning of High-Performing Teams
February 12, 2025
Gestalt school of thought viewed human behaviour and mind as a complete whole. The term Gestalt means totality, Structure, Figure or Unity. Gestalt school of thought came into inception during early 20th century in Germany in the famous work of “The Attributes of Form” by the Australian Philosopher Christian von Ehrenfels. Gestalt psychology is based […]
Management plays an essential role in inculcating workplace ethics in employees. Bosses need to set an example for their subordinates. You need to come on time if you expect your team members to reach office on time. Management needs to act as a source of inspiration for the employees. It is generally observed that team […]
Personality refers to an individual’s characteristics, style, behavior, mindset, attitude, his own unique way of perceiving things and seeing the world. Genetic factors, family backgrounds, varied cultures, environment, current situations play an imperative role in shaping one’s personality. The way you behave with others reflects your personality. An individual with a pleasing personality is appreciated […]
The business of reinsurance is to provide coverage against catastrophic events which may be caused by the wrath of nature. We are well aware of the fact that nature can be unpredictable. Even though reinsurance companies are able to predict the timing as well as the impact of natural calamities with a high degree of […]
From the Smokestack Era to the Digital Era The role of management has changed over the decades as the paradigm shift from manufacturing to services and then to the emerging view of organizations as a holistic whole interacting with its environment in a symbiotic manner. This paradigm shift has engineered and engendered a corresponding shift […]
Individuals should work in teams at workplaces so that the work is accomplished at a much faster rate and errors are reduced to a large extent. A single human being takes more time to complete a task as compared to individuals working in a team. In a team people can discuss issues among themselves and come out with a unique solution.
Let us go through some handy tips for a professional to be a good team member.
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