Current Employment Trends and Their Implications for Business, Society, and Individuals
February 12, 2025
Data, Data Everywhere, But No Insights Yet Corporates generate much data on a daily basis that can include everything from data about performance of employees, payroll metrics, production figures, outage times, and just about any conceivable functions such as Sales and Marketing, Admin, HR, and the like. Of particular interest to corporates, and that too […]
Recessions and downturns are part of a normal business cycle. When business is booming, corporations tend to hire more people than they need. This is the reason why these same corporations are later forced to lay off some of their employees during periods of recession. However, layoffs are seen as being inherently negative. Companies that […]
The HR policies and procedures manual and employee handbook form the backbone of an organization. These documents consist of all the details regarding the treatment to be given to the employees in the organization and help the employees in recognizing the culture of the organization. The HR policies and procedures manual is complied first and […]
Difference between the West and the East Why do businesses in Europe and the United States prosper when compared to the ones in Asia and Africa? Why do businesspersons find it easier to do business in the West when compared to the countries in the East? Apart from natural geographical advantages and availability of resources, […]
The Importance of Performance Appraisals People work in organizations for monetary and nonmonetary reasons. While monetarily, employees look forward to increasing pay and perks, they also look for job satisfaction and fulfillment in their jobs. Thus, the motivators that determine whether a particular employee would stick to the job or leave the organization are based […]
Being in a new job brings in lot of apprehensions, anxiety, and do’s and don’ts. Here is what should be done after getting a new job...
Keep in mind that your supervisor has been in this job more than you have and he/she knows what pleases the customers. Take tips from him whether to send a detailed report to a particular customer or a snapshot in bullet points.
Always use the standard auto signatures and avoid using smiley or cartoon characters.
Be cautious - ask for feedback from people who know about the subject. Also, be specific while requesting for feedback. For instance, “Did I explain the objectives clearly?”
Every organization has its culture and it is necessary that a new job holder imbibes the new culture.
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