Current Employment Trends and Their Implications for Business, Society, and Individuals
February 12, 2025
The Reason why the Military Pioneers Innovations It has often been said that the Military and the Armed Forces in the developed West pioneered many technological and managerial innovations that subsequently helped the corporate sector in those countries. For instance, the Internet was initially a Department of Defense project in the United States that was […]
Participative management is undoubtedly one of the better approaches to management. But like any other style of decision making there are certain limitations. These limitations arise either externally or internally vis-a-vis the implementation. The following are certain limitations of participative management: Complexity of Technology and Organizations: Organizations and Technology are so complicated these days that […]
Making Money Online If you have ever browsed the internet for extended periods, then you would have probably come across websites and ads for websites advertising ways and means to make money online. Indeed, it is hard to miss the ubiquitous and ever present “banner ads” which scream for your attention and promise to double […]
Succession planning is one of the most important career development tools used by organizations. This is done to determine the backups for each senior position by identifying and training the executives who are at the next-lower levels. This is an important process as most organizations rely on it to find their next CEO and other […]
Changing Nature of Work and the Trends in Employment The world of work is changing. Part Time and Freelance employment has grown whereas stable and secure jobs that last an employee’s lifetime in one organization are scarce. If the Baby Boomers were expected to work all their lives in at most two or three jobs, […]
Being in a new job brings in lot of apprehensions, anxiety, and do’s and don’ts. Here is what should be done after getting a new job...
Keep in mind that your supervisor has been in this job more than you have and he/she knows what pleases the customers. Take tips from him whether to send a detailed report to a particular customer or a snapshot in bullet points.
Always use the standard auto signatures and avoid using smiley or cartoon characters.
Be cautious - ask for feedback from people who know about the subject. Also, be specific while requesting for feedback. For instance, “Did I explain the objectives clearly?”
Every organization has its culture and it is necessary that a new job holder imbibes the new culture.
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