The PDSA (Plan-Do-Study-Act) Technique for Quality Improvement
February 12, 2025
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Total Quality Management is a combined effort of both top level management as well as employees of an organization to formulate effective strategies and policies to deliver high quality products which not only meet but also exceed customer satisfaction.
Total Quality management enables employees to focus on quality than quantity and strive hard to excel in whatever they do.
According to total quality management, customer feedbacks and expectations are most essential when it comes to formulating and implementing new strategies to deliver superior products than competitors and eventually yield higher revenues and profits for the organization.
Credits for the process of total quality management go to many philosophers and their teachings.
Drucker, Juran, Deming, Ishikawa, Crosby, Feigenbaum and many other individuals who have in due course of time studied organizational management have contributed effectively to the process of total quality management.
There are many models of total quality management and it is really not necessary that every organization should select and implement the same model.
Following are the various models of total quality management:
Customers and their feedbacks are the foundation of every Total Quality Management model.
In simpler words, Total Quality Management begins with understanding customers, their needs and what they expect from the organization.
Design foolproof processes and systems to collect customer data, information to further study, analyze and act accordingly. Such activities not only help you understand your target customers but also predict customer behaviour.
As a business marketer, you need to know the age group of your target customers, their preferences and needs.
Employees need to know how their products or services can fulfil customer needs and demands.
Total Quality Management model requires meticulous planning and research. Every total quality management model integrates customer feedbacks with relevant information and plans accordingly to design effective strategies to achieve high quality products.
Strategies formulated to yield better quality products need to be evaluated and reviewed from time to time.
Remember, customers are satisfied only when products meet their expectations, fulfil their needs and are value for money.
Their overall experience with the organization needs to be pleasant for them to be happy and return to the organization even the next time.
Continuous improvements, changes and modifications in the existing processes according to customer expectations are necessary to yield higher profits. Processes can’t be same always.
If a customer complaints about a particular product of yours, find out the root cause of problem. Understand and implement necessary total quality management models to rectify the problem, remove the defect for a high quality product.
The successful implementation of Total quality Management model needs extensive planning and most importantly participation of every single member who is benefitted out of the organization (Management, suppliers, clients and even customers).
Without the participation of each and every employee, total quality management model would be a complete failure.
Total Quality Management model begins with research and collecting information about end-users followed by planning and full participation of employees for successful implementation.
Top level Management needs to make other team members aware of the benefits of total quality management process, importance of quality to survive in the long run and how they can implement various TQM models by prioritizing their customers and their feedbacks.
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