Components of a Financial Plan
February 12, 2025
Bankruptcy is a common phenomenon in the business world. There have been many cases wherein the stalwarts of yesterday, the companies which were running multi-billion dollar profits, have later filed for insolvency. For the benefit of the readers, let us define bankruptcy. Bankruptcy is the stage at which companies find it financially unviable to function. […]
Traditionally, the commercial banking industry was largely controlled by commercial banks which had a huge brick-and-mortar presence. However, over the past few decades, customers have gone digital. In response to that, the banks were also compelled to go digital. This digital wave led to a dramatic increase in competition for commercial banks. Many types of […]
In the previous article, we talked about Facebook’s plan of becoming a social media conglomerate by merging different apps like Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram. We also spoke about the enormous economic benefits that Facebook as a corporation will derive from the merger of these diverse apps. However, for the moment, it does not seem like […]
In the previous articles, we have already studied about regular commercial paper as well as asset-backed commercial paper. However, there is one more type of commercial paper that is commonly used by investors. This type of commercial paper is called the Euro commercial paper. This commercial paper is issued in large volumes by many issuers […]
Financial models are used by corporations almost every day. These models help while making several key strategic decisions. For instance, if a company plans to enter a new country or even take over another company, it is likely that it will create a financial model first. This model is a way of generating “What-If” information […]
Financial theorists and practitioners all seem to agree on one basic principle, i.e., diversification is the most important tool which helps mitigate risks. Most investors agree on the importance of diversification while making investments. However, they do seem to be on the fence when it comes to diversification while earning income.
Some of the biggest financial experts in the world, including Warren Buffet, have advocated the need for having multiple sources of income. These multiple sources increase the chance of a person living a wealthy life. In this article, we will have a closer look at the three types of income as well as their impact on the financial health of a person.
This is the primary source of income. For most people in the world, this would include salaries or the profits earned from their business. The problem with salaries is that they are can be difficult to increase. The growth of salary happens at almost a fixed rate. Also, if a person wants to increase their salary income, they often have to work more hours. As people get older, the possibility of increasing the number of hours reduces. This is because the level of their physical fitness decreases. This also means that their responsibilities towards their family and society take up more of their time. Hence, it has been observed that salaried income reaches a plateau when the person is in their middle ages. Post a certain age, salary increments only cover the rate of inflation.
Also, it needs to be noted that salaried income is one of the most highly taxed sources of income in the world. In most developed nations, salaried income is taxed at almost 50%! This means that once a person crosses a certain income threshold, their motivation to earn income also reduces because of the high rate of taxation.
This is the income that is generated by selling investments that were made earlier. In simpler words, this represents an increase in the value of the investment or capital gain as it is known in common terms.
For instance, if a person buys shares and sells at a higher price or if they buy a house and sell it for a profit, the difference is called a capital gain. This income has no relation to the number of hours worked. Also, this income is not received periodically. It keeps on accruing over a period of time and is paid out when the investor decides to liquidate it.
Also, this type of income is more tax efficient as compared to earned income. This is true only if the investments have been held for a long period of time. Most countries in the world separate long term capital gains from short term capital gains and tax them at a lesser rate.
Passive income is another important source of income. It shares the characteristics of earned income and investment income. Just like earned income, it is paid for every period of time. However, the quantum of income does not depend upon the number of hours invested. Rather, it depends upon the capital invested. This is where passive income is similar to investment income.
Typical examples of passive income are rent, interest, and dividends, which are paid by shares and debentures. The taxes on this type of income are also less as compared to the earned income.
Some incomes like dividends are totally tax-free in the hands of the investor. For other incomes like rent, there are tools such as depreciation, which can be used to lower the income and, therefore, the tax payable.
So, the bottom line is that the three types of income have different characteristics. These different characteristics are suited to different stages of life. A good understanding of these sources of income is important to increase an investor’s wealth over their lifetime.
Ideally, every working person should have some knowledge about how the different types of income can be used to generate holistic wealth. However, it is surprising that many people do not focus on generating the second and third kinds of income and hence are not able to make optimum utilization of their earning potential.
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