Role of Managerial Communication at Workplace
February 12, 2025
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Managerial communication refers to interaction among managers and their subordinates within an organization.
It is essential for managers to communicate with their team members and vice a versa to ensure maximum productivity and peace at workplace.
Communication generally takes place as:
Downward communication - Flow of information from managers to employees
Upward Communication - Flow of information from employees to managers
Managerial communication generally takes place through the following ways:
Verbal communication is one of the most common ways of communicating at the workplace. Managers call their team members on a common platform and instruct them as to what is expected out of them.
In verbal communication, team members are told about their roles and responsibilities orally through words.
The addressee needs to be extremely careful about the choice of words whereas recipients need to pay attention to the speaker.
The speaker needs to take care of his pitch and tone in verbal communication. It is the way you speak which is important in verbal communication. Make sure you are audible to all even to the person sitting on the last bench.
Speak clearly. Stick to the topic and do not confuse others.
Presentations, seminars, group discussions and so on are all forms of verbal communication. Verbal communication can take place through face to face interactions, communicating over phone or addressing a group of employees.
Individuals need to take care of their body language while communicating. Make sure you exude positive body language while interacting with your fellow workers and team members.
Do not carry a frown on your face. Smile more often. This way people would love interacting with you and pay attention to whatever you intend to communicate.
Hand movements also play an important role in effective managerial communication. The speaker must not fiddle with things while speaking. It is essential for managers to make an eye contact with team members for the desired impact.
Communicating through emails is considered as one of the most reliable modes of communication.
After communicating verbally with your team members, make sure you do send a mail to them briefing everything that was discussed at the meeting.
Emails need to be self explanatory with a relevant subject line. Do not write stories in emails. Emails should be short, crisp and effective.
Do not use capitals in emails unless required.
Take care of your spellings, grammar and punctuation marks.
Official emails should not have flashy icons and images. Keep it simple and avoid using stylish fonts. Official emails should ideally be written in Arial Font with text size 12.
All related employees must be kept in the loop. The employees should also mark a carbon copy to their team leaders for them to know what is happening around.
Communication also takes place through circulars and notices. Notices should be displayed on the company“s main notice board for everyone to read Notices must have important dates and relevant information. Ask your office boy to get the circular signed by everyone.
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