The Link between Credit Growth and Real Estate Bubbles
February 12, 2025
We are now aware of the basic steps involved in the calculation of unemployment rate. We now know that there is a vast difference in what we call an intuitive guess of what the unemployment rate means and what the statistics published by the government mean. Let’s crystallize this understanding with the help of an […]
In the decade after the Great Recession of 2008, property prices have risen by leaps and bounds. In many places around the world, property prices grew by a multiple of 10 on the back of loose monetary policies which had become rampant all across the globe. Many speculators have been buying apartments and houses on […]
The past five years have been very difficult for the Indian real estate sector. The entire sector was coming from a very high point. The economy was booming, and sales would increase even as the prices went up year after year. However, after 2013, the Indian real estate market stagnated. As prices did not increase, […]
The United States mortgage market was considered one of the most advanced markets in the world. It seemed like the lenders there had figured out the alchemy of finance. It seemed like they had figured out a way to make the risks go away. A traditional market would have only a single type of mortgage. […]
Economics is divided on the role of savings. Many economists believe that saving is a personal virtue but social vice. This is because if all the people start saving, the expenditure will go down. Since the current system measures GDP and economic growth based on expenditure, a higher savings rate makes it appear like the […]
Real Estate markets are extremely complicated. The price movements in this market are usually slow and difficult to come by. A major factor behind this is the type of investors who put their money in the real estate markets. Therefore, an understanding of the real estate markets has to be rooted in an understanding of the underlying participants as well as their motives. We will have a look at these factors in this article:
The most important feature based on which we can distinguish real estate investors is their investment motive. All investors buy real estate. However, not all of them do for the same reasons. Let’s have a look at the three major categories of investors in the market.
Real estate investment is an old school investment game which only pays off in the long run. Most of these speculators are either people trying to make a quick buck by selling their phony “surefire real estate profit strategy” or people who have fallen prey to these con men and are actually trying these phony strategies in the market! This category of investors was hard to find just a few years ago. However, of late, they have become a lot more common.
The long term investor category can be further subdivided into two more categories. These categories are distinguished based on the degree of control they exert on the property in question.
Lastly, the type of real estate investors can also be distinguished based on the type of legal entity they are. Legal entity is important because it determines the amount of liability that a person has.
Real estate market, like the other markets, is therefore complicated. It has various investor groups, who have different motives and based on the competition and co-operation between them, the real estate prices are set.
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