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9561 How A Private Money Market Would Work?

The past few generations have become used to money being issued by the government. Hence, there is an implicit assumption that maybe this has always been the case. However, this is not the case. Many people will be surprised to know that creating money was not always the job of the government. Private money was […]

9443 The German Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Story

Germany has the second largest exports in the world. They are second only to China. This is remarkable given the fact that Germany is a first world country with very high labor costs. The Chinese pay slave wages to their workers and make them work for longer hours. On the other hand, the Germans pay […]

9202 ERP Package – Sales Module

In the context of growing market competition, organizations are focusing more on closer partnership across supply chain. Increasing efficiency in sales and distribution process facilitates an organization to maintain its competitive edge. Best practice processes, embedded in an ERP package, are an enabler in this direction. The important components of sales modules: Sales inquiry handling. […]

11911 What the rise of Cloud computing means for the IT Industry?

The Emergence of Cloud Computing While much has been written and said about the emergence of Artificial Intelligence and how it has the potential to disrupt the software and the IT (Information Technology) industry with its ability to do away with lesser skilled jobs as well as ensure that the industry enters into a new […]

10958 Repetitive and Process Manufacturing

Conventional shop floor control functionality of an ERP system, for the most part, is suitable for discrete manufacturing. However, during last two decades, interest surged for Just in Time manufacturing technique which is suitable for high volume repetitive manufacturing. New functionalities in the ERP system were developed to support repetitive manufacturing so as to maximize […]

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The scatter plot can be a useful tool in understanding the type of relationship that exist between the inputs (X’s) and the outputs (Y’s)

  1. No Relationship: The scatter plot can give an obvious suggestion if the inputs and outputs on the graph are not related. The points will be scattered throughout the graph with no particular pattern. For no relationship to exist, points have to be completely diffused. If some points are in concentration, then maybe a relationship does exist and our analysis has not been able to uncover it.

  2. Linear and Non-Linear: A linear correlation exists when all the points are plotted close together. They form a distinct line. On the other hand points could be close together but they could form a relationship which has curves in it. The nature of the relationship has wide ranging implications.

  3. Positive and Negative: A positive relationship between the inputs and the outputs is one wherein more of one input leads to more of an output. This is also known as a direct relationship.

    On the other hand a negative relationship is one where more of one input leads to less of another output. This is also known as an inverse relationship.

  4. Strong and Weak: The strength of the correlation is tested by how closely the data fits the shape. For instance if all the points are scattered very close together to form a very visible line then the relationship is strongly linear. On the other hand, if the relationship does not so obviously fit the shape then the relationship is weak.

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MSG Team

An insightful writer passionate about sharing expertise, trends, and tips, dedicated to inspiring and informing readers through engaging and thoughtful content.

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