Communication Theory – Meaning and Examples
February 12, 2025
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Lisa works as a Brand Executive with a reputed multinational firm. She was asked to deliver a presentation on her assignments and achievements. Her appraisal was due that month, and she did not get her promotion. No points for guessing, her presentation played the culprit. Her thoughts were not at all clear and she could not express her views in front of her boss and the top management.
Such is the importance of communication or to be very precise effective communication.
Let us first try to find out what communication actually is ?
A famous quote says - “The way we communicate with others and with ourselves ultimately determines the quality of our lives”
The process of passing any information from one person to the other person with the aid of some medium is termed as communication.
The first party who sends the information is called the sender and the second party who receives the information, decodes the information and accordingly responds is called the receiver or the recipient. Thus in simpler terms communication is simply a process where the sender sends the information to the receiver for him to respond.
Sender | ----------------------------------- | Receiver |
Information |
Joe might have an unparalleled, incomparable concept or an idea with him but he would never get the credit if he merely keeps it within himself. He has to pass on the idea to his fellow workers. He has to communicate. Not only communicate but also effectively communicate.
In an organization, your boss will never give you your share of credit, unless and until you present your work in a well defined manner. How will one present his/her work- by communication.
Parents will never understand that their child is hurt unless and until, the child cries or shows his wounds. What is crying? A form of communication. What does showing of wounds mean-The child wants to communicate to his parents that he needs to be immediately attended by the doctor.
Mike preferred pasta to pizza and once during the Christmas party, he made his point clear and pasta was ordered only for Mike as Jenny, Christina and Tony were all pizza lovers. Mike did nothing but simply communicated and passed on his desire to his gang, here Mike being the sender and the others receiver.
It is of utmost importance not only to communicate but also effectively communicate. Please throw some light on the first instance where Lisa was not suitably promoted. She did give her presentation, she did communicate, then why was she denied her promotion? She did not effectively communicate. The trick is not only to communicate but effectively communicate. And if you can effectively communicate, the world is all yours.
Please go through the below diagram:
Parry (Sender) (Content - Can be some information, data, diagram, analysis, report) | (Information)↓ ↑(Feedback) | Peter (Receiver) (Decodes the information, understands the information and responds) |
The above diagram goes a long way to explain the communication process.
Communication process is a simple process where a message is being transferred from a sender to the receiver. The receiver after receiving the message understands the message in the desired form and then acts accordingly.
The first party or the sender first thinks of information, whatever he intends to communicate or transfer to the others. Then he puts the information or the message in words or prepare a content. The process of putting the thoughts in words is called encoding. Finally the content after being ready is transmitted to the receiver.
The message reaches the sender, who then decodes the message or in simpler terms breaks the information, understands it and responds to the receiver. The sender also gives feedback to the receiver after he has understood the complete information.
Communication in simpler terms is a process of passing the information from the first party (sender) to the second party (receiver). Communication plays a vital role not only in organizations or one’s professional career but also is essential in day to day life.
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