Understanding Human Behavior Helps Build Ideal Brand

Human behavior is very complex and varied. As many as there are people, there are differences in their thinking patterns. Therefore, as far as the brand management goes, it is not only important to gather data and analyze the buying pattern, but understand how the customers go about making their buying decisions.

Decision making with regard to a particular brand is done largely based on the perception of the individual consumers.

What are those factors that aid or contribute to the building of the perception about a brand in the minds of the prospect becomes the subject matter of interest from brand management point of view.

The actual act of buying is the culmination of the process of buying on the part of the consumers. It is difficult to understand the human psyche with reference to the exact process of decision making which may be subjective or based on a methodical study of all information.

In many cases you will find the consumers taking a decision to go with a particular brand based on their feelings or perception. Some go with a clear understanding of the product as per the information gathered and compared with the rest.

In most cases, the decisions are made largely based on one’s feelings and perceptions about the brand.

Understanding the psyche of the particular identified segment helps the brand managers get an insight into the brand image as perceived by the prospective consumers. In most cases people carry a perception about a particular brand as a whole.

Whether negative or positive, they carry their beliefs which may not be based on analytical facts and reasons. In many cases, the consumers also associate some emotional value with the brand as well.

Johnson & Johnson baby products are perceived to be the best by all mothers across the world. This is largely a perception of the brand that is grown over a period of time. Similarly when it comes to breakfast cereals, people automatically recall Kellogg’s again based on their perceptions which are carried in their subconscious mind.

If you go into the details of the process of assimilation of information and retention that is carried out by individuals, you will find that the human mind selects a few parameters and processes the same based on the belief system and attitudes that the person has imbibed for self.

The selected information is also compared with the previous experience and the opinion is retained in the form of a perception about the brand. Thus the human mind is selective about the information that is perceived and processed and does not take into account all of the facts and product information that is provided. The selection in most cases is subjective.

Understanding of the human psyche is difficult, but important as far as the brand management goes. Most often people do not take a conscious decision with regard to a particular brand.

It is quite possible that subconsciously people associate some experience or any hearsay information about a particular brand and make up their mind. The type of personality is also a factor that determines the buying behavior. There are those who like to stick to their known and experienced brand and not venture out to try new brands.

There are many who are adventurous and believe in trying out every new brand in the market.

Then there are people who love hopping from one brand to another. Apart from these factors, several social, economic and cultural factors influence the attitudes and brand perception of the consumers.

The more the brand managers understand the psyche of the target customers and prospects, the better they will be at building the brand image and perception for wider acceptance.

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