Role of Employees to Ensure Job Satisfaction
February 12, 2025
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Employee satisfaction plays an essential role in motivating the employees to deliver their level best and also leads to a positive ambience at the workplace.
Employee satisfaction is no rocket science and trust me; it does not take much to satisfy your employees. Small but sincere efforts are enough to satisfy employees so that they not only enjoy their current roles and responsibilities but also stick to the organization for a long time.
Let us go through ways which improve employee satisfaction.
Individuals should be assigned work as per their expertise, interest area and specialization. If you expect a marketing guy to do justice in an accounts profile, he is bound to get demotivated, which would eventually affect his performance.
Discuss with the employees at the time of their joining only as to what profile would suit them the most to avoid confusions later on. Key responsibility areas should be communicated to the employees very clearly from day one. If employees work on something which they are best at, not only they would be happy and satisfied but also yield better results.
No employee should be overburdened. Work has to be equally distributed among all. Why should only one employee do everything while others just come, enjoy and go back home? Favouritsm and partialities have no place in the professional world. Please do not give less work to someone just because he is your friend and you like him. This way, others who actually end up doing more work eventually lose interest and start looking for better opportunities.
Promote a healthy work culture. Encourage employees to talk to each other, discuss among themselves and work as a single unit not for themselves but for the organization. It is indeed the responsibility of the management to make their employees realize that they all are a part of a single family and it is foolish to fight amongst themselves and create unnecessary problems for each other. Let them have their lunch together or go out for small get togethers once in a while. This way, they seldom find office monotonous, are satisfied with their jobs and also work with full dedication.
Employees are unsatisfied the most when their voices are not heard. It might be a small problem for you but for the other person, it can be a major cause of concern. Grievances need to be addressed on an immediate basis. It is the responsibility of the human resource professionals to sit with their employees on a regular basis and find out whether they are satisfied with their jobs or not? Let them come out with their problems.
Give ample growth opportunities to employees. Employees lose interest in work, the moment they have nothing new to do. Give them new assignements, new challenges, new roles so that they get to learn something interesting every day. Do not unnecessarily pressurize them for unrealistic targets. Do not interfere much and let them work in their own way. Guide them whenever required.
Not appreciating the employees when they have performed well leads to dissatisfaction and negativity in them. The credit should not always go to the top management and team leaders but to the employees as well.
Bosses should not forget that their role is not to shout on their subordinates but to handhold them and stand by them even in the worst situations. Majority of the employees are frustrated because they do not have an understanding BOSS.
Nothing works better than rewarding employees suitably and releasing their salaries on time. Most of the times, employees have a problem because they do not get their incentives and payments when they require the most. Why would an individual slog for an entire day if he does not require money? Do not create too much of a problem in clearing their bills.
Do not exploit them. Treat them with utmost respect and care.
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