Cross Merchandising – Meaning and Concept
February 12, 2025
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After emphasizing on customer response and its advantages it is also important to know how to measure these responses and what can be achieved after accurate measurement. For this it is necessary for an organization to incorporate following performance indicators: Productive Performance Indicator- The productive performance indicator determines the number of customer orders processed per […]
Strategy Evaluation is as significant as strategy formulation because it throws light on the efficiency and effectiveness of the comprehensive plans in achieving the desired results. The managers can also assess the appropriateness of the current strategy in todays dynamic world with socio-economic, political and technological innovations. Strategic Evaluation is the final phase of strategic […]
What is Auditing? Auditing is the process of assessment and ascertaining of financial, operational, and strategic goals and processes in organizations to determine whether they are in compliance with the stated principles in addition to them being in conformity with organizational and more importantly, regulatory requirements. Indeed, among the objectives of auditing as mentioned above, […]
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Before understanding the concept of retail, let us first go through few terminologies.
Jack owned two laptops which he sold to Mike. In this case Jack is the seller while Mike is the buyer. Laptops are the goods which were earlier in Jack’s custody and now belong to Mike.
Retail involves the sale of goods from a single point (malls, markets, department stores etc) directly to the consumer in small quantities for his end use. In a layman’s language, retailing is nothing but transaction of goods between the seller and the end user as a single unit (piece) or in small quantities to satisfy the needs of the individual and for his direct consumption.
Let us understand the concept with the help of an example.
Tim wanted to purchase a mobile handset. He went to the nearby store and purchased one for himself.
In the above case, Tim is the buyer who went to a fixed location (in this case the nearby store). He purchased a mobile handset (Quantity - One) to be used by him. An example of retail.
The store from where Tim purchased the handset must have shown him several options for him to select one according to his budget and need.
From where do you think the store owner (also called the retailer) purchased all the handsets?
Here the manufacturers and the wholesalers come into the picture.
The retailers purchase goods in bulk quantities (huge numbers) to be sold to the end-users either directly from the manufacturers or through a wholesaler.
Manufacturers | ........................ | Retailers | ................ | End User (Consumer) |
Wholesalers |
The end user goes to the retailer to buy the goods (products) in small quantities to satisfy his needs and demands. The complete process is also called as Shopping.
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