What is Customer Satisfaction ?
February 12, 2025
Press Releases and their Importance The previous articles discussed the various aspects of media and the role of media in shaping public opinion. We had also discussed how press conferences and press meets are to be organized and listed some points for the successful media management strategies. Continuing in the same vein, this article discusses […]
Selling and Marketing is no longer the same what it used to be few decades ago. Traditional methods of sales and promotions have long been relegated to history. Technology, Internet as well as globalization have redefined every aspect of Marketing and Sales. Organizations have realised the importance of being in tune with the markets and […]
The core function of the marketing department is to understand and satisfy consumer need, wants and desire. Consumer behaviour captures all the aspect of purchase, utility and disposal of products and services. In groups and organization are considered within the framework of consumer. Failing to understand consumer behaviour is the recipe for disaster as some […]
In previous articles, we have seen how CSR is practiced by companies and how the present times with their myriad challenges need companies to be socially and environmentally responsible. In this article, we look at how companies first need to shore up their internal governance mechanisms before turning to the outside world to display their […]
The retailer acts as a link between the customer and the marketer, who is responsible for selling the ultimate products and services to the customers. In the entire complicated process of marketing, retailer acts an intermediary in the complex marketing & distribution channel. Though manufacturers can directly sell their products and services to the end […]
When the suppliers are unable to entertain customers or their business strategies fail to build a good relationship with customers, they probably end up with customers’ dissatisfaction. Their can be many reasons for the customers to become dissatisfied. Some of these reasons are:
But in countries like United Stated where the environment is very different and dust free, there is no need for installing this equipment in house as it would be kept uselessly in house.
In India the environment is lot dusty but the cost exempted for managing the household work is very cheap and affordable, so why people will go and buy a vacuum cleaner and invest a lot of money in that, if they can hire a manual cleaner boy without investing much. If they buy a vacuum cleaner and later on feel that it is turning out to be expensive and tedious deal then it brings dissatisfaction among them.
For example, a customer bought a Fax machine from a supplier and suddenly something went wrong and the machine stopped sending fax at the time when there was an urgent fax to be sent. Customer called the supplier and asked for urgent support but none of the executive at the supplier’s side was available for fixing this issue. Customer finally took some local vendor’s help to fix as it was very urgent. Such a situation can develop an irritating gesture for customers against the supplier and to his dissatisfaction.
Apart from the above examples many more similar reasons could lead to customer’s dissatisfaction. It is very important for the supplier to concentrate on customer’s needs and provide him the required products and services. If desired measures are not taken, customer’s dissatisfaction could possibly build poor relationships between the two parties which could break anytime.
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