Salary Negotiation – How Can You Prepare for It
February 12, 2025
Public administration is like any other administration which is carried out in public interest. Before we dwell deeper into understanding public administration it would be beneficial to try and see how different authors have tried to define what administration is. Marx defines administration as – Administration is determined action taken in pursuit of a conscious […]
Decision-making is an integral part of modern management. Essentially, Rational or sound decision making is taken as primary function of management. Every manager takes hundreds and hundreds of decisions subconsciously or consciously making it as the key component in the role of a manager. Decisions play important roles as they determine both organizational and managerial […]
Differences can not only arise between two individuals but involve many individuals in a group. One has to very careful while handling conflicts in a group as if not controlled at the right time can lead to major unrest and severe tensions. Let us learn more about conflict management in groups. Never ever implement any […]
Crisis refer to unplanned events which cause harm to the organization and lead to disturbances and major unrest amongst the employees. Crisis gives rise to a feeling of fear and threat in the individuals who eventually lose interest and trust in the organization. Crisis Management Model Gonzalez-Herrero and Pratt proposed a Crisis Management Model which […]
John Kotter (1996), a Harvard Business School Professor and a renowned change expert, in his book “Leading Change”, introduced 8 Step Model of Change which he developed on the basis of research of 100 organizations which were going through a process of change. The 8 steps in the process of change include: creating a sense […]
A discussion among individuals to reach to an alternative which involves the interest of all the participants is termed as negotiation. An individual must try his level best to negotiate with each other and reach to a common conclusion to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings. In a win win negotiation both the two parties are benefited and both of them get whatever they expect.
One needs to prepare well for a win win negotiation:
If you want to purchase a laptop and you have decided to ask for a discount but you realize that the shopkeeper is a little reluctant to offer the discount, don’t start fighting with him. Don’t be adamant. You can always ask for a laptop bag or probably some accessories. Learn to be a little tactful and intelligent
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